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Hydraulics And Fluid Mechanics MCQ Question and Answer PDF Free Download

1.A flow in which the quantity of liquid flowing per second is constant, is called __________ flow.

  • ASteady
  • BStreamline
  • CTurbulent
  • DUnsteady
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Correct Answer : (A)



2.The Cipoletti weir is a __________ weir.

  • ARectangular
  • BTriangular
  • CTrapezoidal
  • DCircular
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Correct Answer : (C)



3.A hydraulic ram is a device used to

  • AStore the energy of water
  • BIncrease the pressure of water
  • CTo lift water from deep wells
  • DTo lift small quantity of water to a greater height when a large quantity of water is available at a smaller height
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Correct Answer : (D)

To lift small quantity of water to a greater height when a large quantity of water is available at a smaller height


4.According to the principle of buoyancy a body totally or partially immersed in a fluid will be lifted up by a force equal to

  • AThe weight of the body
  • BMore than the weight of the body
  • CLess than the weight of the body
  • DWeight of the fluid displaced by the body
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Correct Answer : (D)

Weight of the fluid displaced by the body


5.The tangential velocity of the water element having a free vortex is

  • ADirectly proportional to its distance from the centre
  • BInversely proportional to its distance from the centre
  • CDirectly proportional to its distance2 from the centre
  • DInversely proportional to its distance2 from the centre
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Correct Answer : (B)

Inversely proportional to its distance from the centre


6.The buoyancy depends upon the

  • AWeight of the liquid displaced
  • BPressure with which the liquid is displaced
  • CViscosity of the liquid
  • DCompressibility of the liquid
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Correct Answer : (A)

Weight of the liquid displaced


7.The magnitude of water hammer depends upon the

  • AElastic properties of the pipe material
  • BElastic properties of the liquid flowing through the pipe
  • CSpeed at which the valve is closed
  • DAll of the above
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Correct Answer : (D)

All of the above


8.The width of the bucket for a Pelton wheel is generally ________ the diameter of jet.

  • ADouble
  • BThree times
  • CFour times
  • DFive times
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Correct Answer : (D)

Five times


9.The depth of the bucket for a Pelton wheel is generally _________ the diameter of jet.

  • AEqual to
  • B1.2 times
  • C1.8 times
  • DDouble
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Correct Answer : (B)

1.2 times


10.The speed of sound in a ideal gas varies directly as it’s

  • AAbsolute temperature
  • BTemperature
  • CDensity
  • DModulus of elasticity
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Correct Answer : (A)

Absolute temperature


11.The difference of pressure between the inside and outside of a liquid drop is

  • Ap = T × r
  • Bp = T/r
  • Cp = T/2r
  • Dp = 2T/r
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Correct Answer : (D)

p = 2T/r


12.When a body, floating in a liquid, is given a small angular displacement, it starts oscillating about a point known as

  • ACentre of pressure
  • BCentre of gravity
  • CCentre of buoyancy
  • DMetacentre
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Correct Answer : (D)



13.Fluid is a substance that

  • ACannot be subjected to shear forces
  • BAlways expands until it fills any container
  • CHas the same shear stress at a point regardless of its motion
  • DCannot remain at rest under action of any shear force
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Correct Answer : (D)

Cannot remain at rest under action of any shear force


14.The line of action of the buoyant force acts through the

  • ACentroid of the volume of fluid vertically above the body
  • BCentre of the volume of floating body
  • CCenter of gravity of any submerged body
  • DCentroid of the displaced volume of fluid
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Correct Answer : (D)

Centroid of the displaced volume of fluid


15.If the ratios of all the corresponding linear dimensions are equal, then the model and the prototype are said to have

  • AGeometric similarity
  • BKinematic similarity
  • CDynamic similarity
  • DNone of these
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Correct Answer : (A)

Geometric similarity


16.Meta-centric height is given as the distance between

  • AThe center of gravity of the body and the metacenter
  • BThe center of gravity of the body and the center of buoyancy
  • CThe center of gravity of the body and the center of pressure
  • DCenter of buoyancy and metacenter
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Correct Answer : (A)

The center of gravity of the body and the metacenter


17.When a cylindrical vessel, containing some liquid, is rotated about its vertical axis, the liquid surface is depressed down at the axis of its rotation and rises up near the walls of the vessel on all sides. This type of flow is known as

  • ASteady flow
  • BTurbulent flow
  • CVortex flow
  • DUniform flow
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Correct Answer : (C)

Vortex flow


18.Non uniform flow occurs when

  • AThe direction and magnitude of the velocity at all points are identical
  • BThe velocity of successive fluid particles, at any point, is the same at successive periods of time
  • CVelocity, depth, pressure, etc. change from point to point in the fluid flow
  • DThe fluid particles move in plane or parallel planes and the streamline patterns are identical in each plane
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Correct Answer : (C)

Velocity, depth, pressure, etc. change from point to point in the fluid flow


19.Steady flow occurs when

  • AThe direction and magnitude of the velocity at all points are identical
  • BThe velocity of successive fluid particles, at any point, is the same at successive periods of time
  • CThe magnitude and direction of the velocity do not change from point to point in the fluid
  • DThe fluid particles move in plane or parallel planes and the streamline patterns are identical in each plane
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Correct Answer : (B)

The velocity of successive fluid particles, at any point, is the same at successive periods of time


20.True one-dimensional flow occurs when

  • AThe direction and magnitude of the velocity at all points are identical
  • BThe velocity of successive fluid particles, at any point, is the same at successive periods of time
  • CThe magnitude and direction of the velocity do not change from point to point in the fluid
  • DThe fluid particles move in plane or parallel planes and the streamline patterns are identical in each plane
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Correct Answer : (A)

The direction and magnitude of the velocity at all points are identical
